Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Home Authors Posts by John Labadie

John Labadie

Who is John Labadie? My name is John Labadie, and I’m writing articles about different games, Minecraft PE in particular.John LabadieAbout the author I’m 35, and I'm the CEO of an entertainment company. I like literally everything: games, scientific research, reading, graphic design, animation, and lots more.How did I learn about Minecraft PE? I found out about MCPE at the end of 2013. It became my favorite game instantly. I adore building in survival, but I’m not a big fan of multiplayer.Why did I decide to start my website? Well, I’ve always been keen on an idea of opening my little blog where I can share mods, texture packs, and maps I liked. Thus now I have can you find on So, there are dozens of various add-ons, mods, plugins, texture-pack. All of it is compatible with many versions of Minecraft PE. That’s why you can download everything you want here.Contacts Mail: